Sergiy Maratov
Publisher Information
Sergiy Maratov is a brand of publishers/developers run by WebPick Internet Holdings Ltd. located in Ramat Ha'Chayal Tel Aviv, Israel. The company is a primary distributor of unwanted software. Sergiy Maratov is a developer of WebPick Internet Holdings and publishes a number of adware web browser plugins designed to monitor web browser behavior and inject advertisements (banner, popups, text-links, etc.) in the browser by using the WebPick InstalleRex monetization delivery platform. These programs from Sergiy Maratov are typiclaly installed on a variety of names and misspellings and are very difficult to remove. According to WebPick, they use developers to sign their adware in order to "throw off competitors". There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
Valid from:
8/1/2013 7:00:00 AM
Valid to:
8/2/2014 6:59:59 AM
CN=Sergiy Maratov, O=Sergiy Maratov, STREET=Nikolaya Vasilenko 2, L=Kyiv, S=Kyiv, PostalCode=03124, C=UA
CN=COMODO Code Signing CA 2, O=COMODO CA Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester, C=GB
Serial number:
Scanner detections:
Detections (100% detected)
Scan engine
Reason Heuristics
Adware.WebPick.Installer (M), PUP.WebPick.SergiyMaratov.Installer (M), PUP.WebPick.SergiyMa.Installer (M), Adware (M), PUP.WebPick (M)
Downloads URLs for files signed by Sergiy Maratov.
The following certificate is also signed by Sergiy Maratov.
* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Sergiy Maratov by COMODO CA Limited on August 01, 2013 with the serial number '5edc27d0f7538d67813acf4e44ea7896'.