SoftForum Co. LTD.

Publisher Information

SoftForum Co. LTD. is a software publisher located in Gangnam-gu, Seoul in Korea*. Thre are 6 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
VeriSign, Inc.

Valid from:
4/22/2009 9:00:00 AM

Valid to:
5/21/2010 8:59:59 AM

CN=SoftForum Co. LTD., OU=R&D Center, OU=Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v2, O=SoftForum Co. LTD., L=Gangnam-gu, S=Seoul, C=KR

CN=VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2004 CA, OU=Terms of use at (c)04, OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
ckphishingpro.exe  (387438896b05dac5f8cec7712c1f44d9)

0 / 68
XecureWP.DLL (XecureWP Module by SoftForum Co)  (cf85c94aaff60665defa6db7a04fabcc)

0 / 68
WPHookAp.dll (WPHookAp Module by SoftForum Co)  (ee9657c3e47db5ab2e51a7a48ba9ff0b)

0 / 68
wphookadsrv.exe (WPHookSrv Application by SoftForum Co)  (8f969b571bb126c6cfca4f7c331179cf)

0 / 68
jrskd24.sys (CKKeyPro Keyboard Driver by SoftForum)  (5a2a011776124beac90b59f0ee78bb6e)

0 / 68

0 / 68
CKAgent.exe (Client Keeper KeyPro by SoftForum Co.)  (2596fa6620e88afb35c88350678fd083)

0 / 68
CKAgent.exe (Client Keeper KeyPro by SoftForum Co.)  (c100551ef445686c2ad670c567aa79f5)

0 / 68
CKAgent.exe (Client Keeper KeyPro by SoftForum Co.)  (808a9fea764e20d3f00003508dea54ba)

0 / 68
jrskd24.sys (CKKeyPro Keyboard Driver by SoftForum)  (45947f4393da815fff5d5cd4a7fcd5c8)

0 / 68
xwUACctl.DLL (xwUACctl Module)  (365858e507c66cc17484bfb93509d7a9)

0 / 68

0 / 68
xw_install.exe  (4e373e6c2ed5940dd191eb38733663e8)

0 / 68

0 / 68
XecureAero.dll (XecureURL Protector by SoftForum Co)  (7b203870db211dcc23bdab7a9bface9f)

0 / 68

0 / 68

0 / 68

0 / 68
CKKeyProCert.dll (Client Keeper Cert Pro by SoftForm Co)  (787fff0432fdbfa780e07e3aa8237a63)

0 / 68

0 / 68
CKApp.DLL (ClientKeeper KeyPro by SoftForum Co)  (ccc0b2729e76be48d82c0bfde80b06bf)

0 / 68
CKAgent.exe (Client Keeper KeyPro by SoftForum Co.)  (0c19c5944daf631e397f904420570251)

0 / 68
jrsoftcp.dll (Client Keeper Cert Pro by SoftForm Co)  (d9bf85809f52e8bdc6c3665cb847667c)

0 / 68
CKFWSetup.exe (HD CKFWSetup by SoftForum Co)  (db7826a87a284ee3222dfb3a45cea195)

0 / 68
jrskd24.sys (CKKeyPro Keyboard Driver by SoftForum)  (b03dfb50965122fcda0162ee19243643)

0 / 68
xecureck.dll (Client Keeper KeyPro by SoftForum Co.)  (4f5643c8bf7233fe73715eb7a583196c)

0 / 68
xw_install.exe  (2ba2fb389f3b00ea6041fadd33b9946f)

0 / 68
XecureWP.DLL (XecureWP Module by SoftForum Co)  (e0fd36bbe2a7af5b6086ec11ee34a82d)

Latest 30 of 354 files

The certificates below are also signed by SoftForum Co. LTD..

2DDC072D6D5D66D47641C8F4869A0901  (May 10, 2012 to Aug 10, 2013)

08036E8FB718D7BB447FA058A222BD04  (Apr 28, 2011 to Jul 28, 2012)

1977E171DA634F0F85BDAA1CDE281CE3  (Apr 22, 2010 to Jun 22, 2011)

7DBA8B6ABA9A93AA3974742AE40C2395  (Apr 30, 2008 to May 21, 2009)

467EB358537B650996E788EFB21C208E  (May 16, 2007 to May 16, 2008)

0C93CAD02D246F4E9838F307CA7F4348  (May 16, 2006 to May 16, 2007)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to SoftForum Co. LTD. by VeriSign, Inc. on April 22, 2009 with the serial number '1fd4c0282413b3f6cc3c3115351a7d6b'.