SpotOption LTD

Publisher Information

SpotOption LTD is a software publisher located in Ramat GAn, Merkaz in Israel*.
thawte, Inc.

Valid from:
6/10/2015 2:00:00 AM

Valid to:
6/10/2017 1:59:59 AM

CN=SpotOption LTD, OU=SpotOption LDT, O=SpotOption LTD, L=Ramat GAn, S=Merkaz, C=IL

CN=thawte SHA256 Code Signing CA, O="thawte, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
eastoption-setup-32bits.exe  (7e9cae117a25fcd7945914c8e8d5fd07)

0 / 68
fxdd-setup.exe  (4c3a8deb9c49f3c1ba20ff1d139b5cdd)

0 / 68
eastoption-setup.exe  (b0f5225ec588c71a5d7522c6b6e2a6d5)

0 / 68
gvoptions-setup.exe  (320aa7d2961bcc53ab4339f1e1e6a6eb)

0 / 68
tradesolid-setup.exe  (96fdd1fcca5cd895dad028abfa3d063e)

0 / 68
webitradersetup.exe  (c44949eda0098a895f3d633ccfbd0f4f)

0 / 68
optioncc-setup.exe  (0b9e9bc00cd820169d45f5cec120de7d)

0 / 68
hpoption-setup.exe  (e3557df8e9b38e47a05136a14687865c)

0 / 68
platform-setup.exe  (e5444ee0d82f9a24c6ac9af456c49e85)

0 / 68
ex-bino-setup.exe  (c4e499d0fd54d7ec5baee1fd6f82cc7f)

0 / 68
optioncc-setup.exe  (9ca3db6927b4747e1219ed71e70caa1d)

0 / 68
microoption-setup.exe  (a0b51c3b9c73ed82fa0470ff1ece45dc)

0 / 68
optiontrade-setup.exe  (461d95698d56ebcb3b7e471da42f82e6)

0 / 68
imperialoptions-setup.exe  (f65e49b6315e9cfcaeda71f7808a06fd)

0 / 68
gainoption-setup.exe  (3f76c925c46fc2cbfa74fa16578a0796)

0 / 68
optionweb-setup.exe  (f69b6e1a2b08d3e82e54a046f18ef685)

0 / 68
360option-setup.exe  (56c91637487eada03fd871b93e91a45f)

Downloads URLs for files signed by SpotOption LTD.

0 / 68

0 / 68  (f69b6e1a2b08d3e82e54a046f18ef685)

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The following websites host and distribute files published by SpotOption LTD.

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to SpotOption LTD by thawte, Inc. on June 10, 2015 with the serial number '39fe633e679225e54a9eda3542aaa64b'.