Talgraf Oy
Publisher Information
Talgraf Oy is a software publisher located in Oulu, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa in Finland*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
GlobalSign nv-sa
Valid from:
3/28/2013 11:29:19 AM
Valid to:
5/23/2014 2:04:40 PM
CN=Talgraf Oy, O=Talgraf Oy, L=Oulu, S=Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, C=FI
CN=GlobalSign CodeSigning CA - G2, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
Serial number:
No known positive detections
The following certificate is also signed by Talgraf Oy.
* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Talgraf Oy by GlobalSign nv-sa on March 28, 2013 with the serial number '1121c36119d178afb23da2c38fb2ae9edf66'.