Total Defense, Inc.

Publisher Information

Total Defense, Inc. is a software developer located in Hauppauge, New York in the United States*. Thre are 3 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
DigiCert Inc

Valid from:
9/18/2014 9:30:00 AM

Valid to:
9/22/2015 9:30:00 PM

CN="Total Defense, Inc.", O="Total Defense, Inc.", L=Hauppauge, S=New York, C=US

CN=DigiCert Assured ID Code Signing CA-1,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

Scan engine

Reason Heuristics

0 / 68
tdidtheft_8_86.sys (ID Theft)  (dbe6082c5a600feef8caf2da00549683)

0 / 68
tdidtheft_other_86.sys (ID Theft)  (0018b1044349b6ef755486ab84f1123c)

0 / 68
tdidtheft_other_64.sys (ID Theft)  (f6a709b73e12e965f6dbc82fd6a0172a)

0 / 68
tdidtheft_8_86.sys (ID Theft)  (2250cee15ecebdb2b24f7c888722366b)

0 / 68
tdidtheft_8_64.sys (ID Theft)  (9919f957bf187bae7fbfb4197f010cfd)

0 / 68
tdidtheft_7_86.sys (ID Theft)  (a1667321511b5967c2e7060b139e9457)

0 / 68
tdidtheft_7_64.sys (ID Theft)  (ba1a427db3865d4ae000ec016d47edc3)

0 / 68
malwareapi.dll (AntiMalware SDK by Total Defense)  (e90654dce86bbe72a5f428fb64f9ca29)

0 / 68
crux_1_0.dll (Crux by Total Defense)  (5eb2f90d5944e5c42f1760d1ca2b6717)

0 / 68
cruxcrypto_1_0.dll (Crux by Total Defense)  (f75f8c2dd64e7dd2f2af619acd59ce23)

0 / 68
ams_update.dll (AntiMalware SDK by Total Defense)  (5c076731d1e8c0df23cf43565162b0cd)

0 / 68
cruxcrypto_1_0.dll (Crux by Total Defense)  (3a3989991d0af23e8a8da1ef4a68c76a)

0 / 68
ams_update.dll (AntiMalware SDK by Total Defense)  (88f34edaf644972c57ec7f105ca79886)

0 / 68

0 / 68
crux_1_0.dll (Crux by Total Defense)  (3c3af41e14b27ead9be2c4c3dd214213)

0 / 68
malwareapi.dll (AntiMalware SDK by Total Defense)  (a5b26be6ece4c1516307b2cca11cd708)

0 / 68
upgrade.exe (ccUpgrade by Total Defense)  (2ae034c3215192be65f9eea96dc4acc5)

0 / 68
cawsc.exe (Security Suite by Total Defense)  (11111eb7394b0378e59d3b8bc72d45cd)

0 / 68
malwareapi.dll (AntiMalware SDK by Total Defense)  (f9408217855de6a91f19f87c02657a31)

0 / 68
crux_1_0.dll (Crux by Total Defense)  (7b83ec1ff536475cc609485a34856d4c)

0 / 68
cruxcrypto_1_0.dll (Crux by Total Defense)  (81d299bb378ba7525b640578f009b5da)

0 / 68
ams_update.dll (AntiMalware SDK by Total Defense)  (5f0e69a5259f52adc54e3c6d63fd626d)

0 / 68
cawsc.exe (Security Suite by Total Defense)  (c39c5909488ce397a98244f959678533)

0 / 68
tdidtheft_other_86.sys (ID Theft)  (4f38519e5b438b0b3032b664578b7cca)

0 / 68
tdidtheft_other_64.sys (ID Theft)  (b8538f87d1bdddfd5ad6e042212ba622)

0 / 68
tdidtheft_8_86.sys (ID Theft)  (dbe6082c5a600feef8caf2da00549683)

0 / 68
tdidtheft_7_86.sys (ID Theft)  (aa173d004bfef1b2603731f6d62f3c57)

1 / 68
tdidtheft_7_64.sys (ID Theft)  (aaa5720d2069c33ed283a387f3de429b)

0 / 68
cruxcrypto_1_0.dll (Crux by Total Defense)  (32cf3fd435ed891d34200c202f0a3e47)

0 / 68
ams_update.dll (AntiMalware SDK by Total Defense)  (aedaba6563518303b7768a6cd6af8e6b)

Latest 30 of 33 files

The certificates below are also signed by Total Defense, Inc..

01F4A64223CA944712D56AAFE501F1E9  (Sep 12, 2014 to Nov 15, 2017)

1121B542CBE9F33C3D6469B2FA9AD515487F  (Aug 27, 2014 to Aug 27, 2017)

299C2BE91F3C72EE1E7A871309C10FF2  (Sep 14, 2011 to Sep 14, 2014)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Total Defense, Inc. by DigiCert Inc on September 18, 2014 with the serial number '0faa7fa038f97d3ca058b235ffbd9a95'.