Turtle Entertainment GmbH

Publisher Information

Turtle Entertainment GmbH is a software developer located in Cologne, Nrw in Germany*. Thre are 4 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
GlobalSign nv-sa

Valid from:
12/12/2014 2:53:35 PM

Valid to:
1/26/2018 11:17:59 AM

CN=Turtle Entertainment GmbH, O=Turtle Entertainment GmbH, L=Cologne, S=NRW, C=DE

CN=GlobalSign CodeSigning CA - SHA256 - G2, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE

Serial number:

No known positive detections

Scan engine

Reason Heuristics
PUP.InstallCore.CSH (L)

0 / 68
dem7ca7.tmp (EslWireACD by <Turtle Entertainment>)  (ccba69dda41937132ac4b73f7e82ef17)

0 / 68
dema5d0.tmp (EslWireACD by <Turtle Entertainment>)  (e44d8058030c82a44ea5f938f84c67dd)

0 / 68
aclp.dat (TODO: <Product name> by TODO: <Company name>)  (8d86c0a8ff323d1f1e744b6e5d7c9eba)

0 / 68
acid.exe (DriverInstaller)  (80a9020f4f05923cecc6e066bf7ae9da)

0 / 68
demeb4a.tmp (ESLAnticheat by <Turtle Entertainment>)  (1ce214ef03612620b3354bb0d2970c84)

0 / 68
aclp.dat (TODO: <Product name> by TODO: <Company name>)  (ef9acba19ffb42e3bbef981813f8410b)

0 / 68
acid.exe (DriverInstaller)  (14ef050e83ded5d7595d6e40592fe753)

0 / 68
demf188.tmp (ESLAnticheat by <Turtle Entertainment>)  (e5414e6cf219e104cf3aef671298c7ac)

0 / 68
demb153.tmp (ESLAnticheat by <Turtle Entertainment>)  (408a458c84c2f30736eb89283460b090)

0 / 68
aclp.dat (TODO: <Product name> by TODO: <Company name>)  (2b1c6595152a4072a549ae36c7691ee4)

0 / 68
acid.exe (DriverInstaller)  (6610ade7729f8f150f1a359c87524647)

0 / 68
aclp.dat (TODO: <Product name> by TODO: <Company name>)  (be093cf595052eda4adc9876e87daedb)

0 / 68
dem69c1.tmp (ESLAnticheat by <Turtle Entertainment>)  (2aef74401210078f10b41771f1c7fd73)

0 / 68
dem8bbc.tmp (ESLAnticheat by <Turtle Entertainment>)  (837918693a35a86153fbd1a20c331a8c)

0 / 68
aclp.dat (TODO: <Product name> by TODO: <Company name>)  (7f39714e4822f805c5e4d204b0210761)

0 / 68
acid.exe (DriverInstaller)  (cde2adab20f53ddfd696bec5ad55a801)

0 / 68
deme3b8.tmp (ESLAnticheat by <Turtle Entertainment>)  (0af2c5fc14aaa87de3975a8e6042e45d)

0 / 68
aclp.dat (TODO: <Product name> by TODO: <Company name>)  (6dc1878217400c2035385049dbacf8c2)

0 / 68
acid.exe (DriverInstaller)  (34d67f44f68f065736703eec596660aa)

0 / 68
demcf21.tmp (ESLAnticheat by <Turtle Entertainment>)  (7dd2a65d7c10646840962f2a10827032)

0 / 68
aclp.dat (TODO: <Product name> by TODO: <Company name>)  (08efa76c0515ad4ba3d8adfa40b66bae)

0 / 68
acid.exe (DriverInstaller)  (dca3920d5120060e12d2f1bf771fa847)

0 / 68
dem4f2d.tmp (EslWireACD by <Turtle Entertainment>)  (277a2a08d61cbc261976b59cb2a7e0c0)

0 / 68
dem1c76.tmp (EslWireACD by <Turtle Entertainment>)  (0aec4ffbca7ec2bccabc10d0663a1143)

0 / 68
demb317.tmp (ESLAnticheat by <Turtle Entertainment>)  (12aeb561ed798d21aa63632d4283349f)

Latest 30 of 78 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by Turtle Entertainment GmbH.

The certificates below are also signed by Turtle Entertainment GmbH.

1121CA414E26A79FC3D34553A430BC8FEFAD  (Jan 08, 2015 to Apr 08, 2016)

11211D81E9C09273DF1A6E9A05931416F400  (Sep 29, 2011 to Dec 27, 2014)

0100000000012530204B6F  (Nov 26, 2009 to Nov 27, 2011)

0100000000011D628F143E  (Nov 03, 2008 to Nov 05, 2009)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Turtle Entertainment GmbH by GlobalSign nv-sa on December 12, 2014 with the serial number '1121a1e8f7e6944c92c7ca61440eff3f250e'.