Unilogic Informatica Ltda ME

Publisher Information

Unilogic Informatica Ltda ME is a software publisher located in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo in Brazil*. The company is a primary distributor of unwanted software by bundling various potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) in a bundled installer.
GoDaddy.com, Inc.

Valid from:
5/22/2014 2:38:02 PM

Valid to:
5/22/2015 2:38:02 PM

CN=Unilogic Informatica Ltda ME, O=Unilogic Informatica Ltda ME, L=São Bernardo do Campo, S=São Paulo, C=BR

CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2, OU=http://certs.godaddy.com/repository/, O="GoDaddy.com, Inc.", L=Scottsdale, S=Arizona, C=US

Serial number:

Scanner detections:
Detections  (100% detected)

Scan engine

Reason Heuristics
PUP.Installmatic (M)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)
java_8-update-5.exe (Dabura)  (d846d5fe35fdbe5744fec05a283ce261)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)
trzdef7.tmp (Instalador by Unilogic Informaticaa ME)  (e4f234cfdbcc81f7ae06bc18f279641d)

1 / 68      (Adware)
xpadder_53.exe (Instalador by Unilogic Informaticaa ME)  (684e6d8152f1b20598e5d6d90f8e3113)

1 / 68      (Adware)
firefox_3201.exe (Instalador by Unilogic Informaticaa ME)  (5b6bada783ecbdee0a7c02914628fe92)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)
firefox_3303.exe (Instalador by Unilogic Informaticaa ME)  (74a768879d807618d96ba55a3b4b6d27)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)
mamae-que-nos-faz.exe (Dabura)  (283a48dbb88994a647da6675fc0a670d)

1 / 68      (Adware)
cursif.exe (Dabura)  (5c1da52de0b74b0a6d7d9aa9370131c4)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)
controle-de-estoques-excel_20.exe (Dabura)  (ba1487ec975ed61bfa749a8e15161d3e)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)

Latest 30 of 10,379 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by Unilogic Informatica Ltda ME.

1 / 68      (Adware)
http://ultradownloads.com.br/.../2,246653.html  (controle-de-estoques-excel_20.exe)

1 / 68      (Adware)
http://ultradownloads.com.br/.../2,928207.html  (programa-de-perfumaria_5620.exe)

1 / 68      (Adware)
http://ultradownloads.com.br/.../2,928347.html  (programa-de-papelarias_5620.exe)

1 / 68      (Adware)
http://ultradownloads.com.br/.../2,1112907.html  (ultimate-mortal-kombat-3.exe)

1 / 68      (Adware)

The following publishers (by Authenticode signature organization name) are related.

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Unilogic Informatica Ltda ME by GoDaddy.com, Inc. on May 22, 2014 with the serial number '2b285e33de99de'.