Walter Masař

Publisher Information

Walter Masař is a software publisher located in Zlín, Czech Republic*. Thre are 4 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
Thawte, Inc.

Valid from:
3/8/2012 1:00:00 AM

Valid to:
3/9/2013 12:59:59 AM

CN=Walter Masař, OU=Software, O=Walter Masař, L=Zlín, S=Czech Republic, C=CZ

CN=Thawte Code Signing CA - G2, O="Thawte, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
fakturace7_35.exe  (db60eaec764715fc2fdae3c42d22bb1f)

0 / 68
fakturace7_32.exe  (d0c856772955018f50208efed4b6c697)

0 / 68
WSDReader.exe (WSDReader by Walter Masaø - WalSoft)  (d66f42109d9c42ffe43cb224a3b9b032)

0 / 68
sklad-walsoft-gold_2.39.exe  (030d1a7a7a72714f64b7ecf4ff028e73)

0 / 68
fakturace7_49.exe  (5ee43291a4ae4cf48a7ca61142c2a2ac)

0 / 68
fakturace7_43.exe  (fcf2f1be273ce98dac18bd3fe6eaea15)

0 / 68
fakturacegold7.exe  (099a6a1fb4f2e2891ff64dbc471ea9be)

0 / 68
fakturace-walsoft-gold_7.39.exe  (f096e670ede440e39367d59c8baf63cc)

The certificates below are also signed by Walter Masař.

3C669BC9E5F8A1A5D3B7EA8A411256C3  (Mar 11, 2016 to May 11, 2017)

71BD2F56057EDC7A0C9B0BC2C07E64D9  (Apr 20, 2015 to Apr 17, 2016)

6DE886338B01F603ADD3B4B191DF32C8  (Mar 13, 2014 to May 03, 2015)

1D09AE1DA60BEE3EAEC35D01EB910B9C  (Jan 29, 2013 to Mar 31, 2014)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Walter Masař by Thawte, Inc. on March 08, 2012 with the serial number '3877fe4fc5b6e62ac49d6c0fe35a737d'.