WebEx Communications Inc.

Publisher Information

WebEx Communications Inc. is a software developer located in Santa Clara, California in the United States*. Thre are 3 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
VeriSign, Inc.

Valid from:
1/15/2009 6:00:00 PM

Valid to:
4/6/2012 6:59:59 PM

CN=WebEx Communications Inc., OU=Engineering, OU=Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v2, O=WebEx Communications Inc., L=Santa Clara, S=California, C=US

CN=VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2004 CA, OU=Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)04, OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

Safe publisher

0 / 68
UCFADDIN.DLL (UCFAddIn Module by WebEx Communications)  (122763aad9378b7c9e9497771fb5862a)

0 / 68
ATKCall.exe (ATKCall Module by WebEx Communications)  (8072281781181ed19e6ce056caff3a07)

0 / 68

0 / 68
atmgr.exe (AtMgr Module by WebEx Comminucations, Inc)  (8b5dc550ab88aa872bac03d93f7a90e1)

0 / 68
AtECCli.DLL (AtECCli Module by WebEx Comminucations, Inc)  (7a541458a4f8c0b9e01aa10cc4c8a6ac)

0 / 68
wbxreport.exe (WBXReport Module by WebEx Communications)  (79f9edaf6fa3cf0999abe524e3ab6431)

0 / 68
atecie.msi  (31d783e75cc82f7f8da07fe4e3ae8b40)

0 / 68
atrecply.msi  (8b6d943d6e88a80e88eb69ba4d345a99)

0 / 68
atmcie.msi  (fbc76d1deab05d0b54ebb30e53b1679f)

0 / 68
atmcns_de.msi  (68b99c8fa46bd6a4b9a44989a8fd4201)

0 / 68
atmcie_de.msi  (523e1ba7aac0641b54b6cc7a7ee3bdab)

0 / 68
webexevntmgr.msi  (06aeb54a367e9ad24a2a59cd856e83b4)

0 / 68
wbxreport.exe (WBXReport Module by Cisco WebEx)  (557d51a9d4bb6dd32dee1508491cd9b1)

0 / 68
atcliun.exe (by Cisco WebEx)  (832afdb9bf61c49bd08a47f8afe4ba70)

0 / 68
atrecply.msi  (d03a20f01a7f98aa4d50767c8511661c)

0 / 68
wbxreport.exe (WBXReport Module by Cisco WebEx)  (e8a0f13d0cdae06c41e1be784151946f)

0 / 68
atcliun.exe (by Cisco WebEx)  (6f901b53ea5c728ae9b72b6b934e71a8)

0 / 68
wbxreport.exe (WBXReport Module by WebEx Communications)  (f74740fec1c64b24184c20e8a919cde0)

0 / 68
atrecply_gb.msi  (ca54f7a40c0f3683c8ba3daca4ca85d9)

0 / 68
atucfobj.dll (atucfobj Module by WebEx Communications)  (a2f34eb5c9d380fb709e07ebaafa843d)

0 / 68

0 / 68

0 / 68
atmgr.exe (AtMgr Module)  (1cabc9b7414ad04ddafc7895fbc2d1a9)

0 / 68
ATMCCLI.DLL (AtMcCli Module)  (d2eb4bc9611591b67e97a623006e9391)

0 / 68
ptniupd.exe (Client ptniupd by WebEx)  (edb6a3a06ae35b31485edb608116255d)

0 / 68
wbxdlinst.exe (by Cisco WebEx)  (278c4283237dc2f9c07a8159625220cf)

0 / 68
SafeMCtl.exe (Remote Access SafeMCtl by Cisco WebEx)  (892ba83cdc364eea5eb4029e0df714c0)

Latest 30 of 5,482 files

The certificates below are also signed by WebEx Communications Inc..

35502B38C401B7A1234EF4D53111F8C4  (Apr 05, 2012 to Apr 05, 2013)

15759AEF5B8AE7EF58675A32C4E899E7  (Feb 23, 2006 to Apr 07, 2009)

28979485552BBF4BB35EC62FB04186AE  (Apr 05, 2005 to Apr 06, 2006)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to WebEx Communications Inc. by VeriSign, Inc. on January 15, 2009 with the serial number '443156d4bc181a15c9ad85e95fa61c85'.