Wire Icon

Publisher Information

Wire Icon is a software developer located in San Diego, California in the United States*. A majority of the programs developed by the company can be classified as adware or other potentially unwanted programs.
VeriSign, Inc.

Valid from:
3/3/2016 7:00:00 PM

Valid to:
3/4/2017 6:59:59 PM

CN=Wire Icon, O=Wire Icon, L=San Diego, S=California, C=US

CN=VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA, OU=Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)10, OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

Scanner detections:
Detections  (100% detected)

Scan engine

Reason Heuristics
PUP.Yontoo (M), Adware.Yontoo (M)

1 / 68      (PUP)
updatelaflurla.exe  (02f4a90480e53aad65484902f251f31a)

1 / 68      (PUP)
utillaflurla.exe  (76d3f94bd6030e2998575cc4a8612fb1)

1 / 68      (PUP)
updatelaflurla.exe  (cefce8c2c23aaa669a3f40f8a4916891)

1 / 68      (PUP)
3bb54458-d6ab-40cc-9cc6-cd092912aba7.dll  (bf2d013924e3b0911e126ecb890a142b)

1 / 68      (PUP)
18296a72-f1a3-4b18-bf67-b22b02a32d64.dll  (9116a63af6a5aa7c048b0da90c546902)

1 / 68      (PUP)
laflurla.purbrowse64.exe  (fbdd3374c06d8dc65851621366f610da)

1 / 68      (PUP)
updatelaflurla.exe  (a19c99d992134f2cd8784f50822358a0)

1 / 68      (Adware)
laflurla.expext.exe  (925e6aea1d68409d4ec728fb88257e34)

1 / 68      (PUP)
laflurla.browseradapter.exe  (691221ae1751a3b0f57753d06d3e02aa)

1 / 68      (Adware)
laflurla.browseradapter64.exe  (bdbe27c26d37aeb9fc55fdcdc7788bee)

1 / 68      (PUP)
updatelaflurla.exe  (616920e06fe6f456dac57cda1cc9d99a)

1 / 68      (PUP)
laflurla.purbrowse.dll  (2d44d169f598249616783ada1a064613)

1 / 68      (PUP)
laflurla.plinx.dll  (0f17871b81e3accb0c9a35b921f41db5)

1 / 68      (PUP)
laflurla.gcupdate.dll  (51855e06db0b68ed16abf069dffde0ef)

1 / 68      (PUP)
laflurla.findlib.dll  (1bf613fc8819d03a920d080d7c2d956f)

1 / 68      (PUP)
laflurla.ffupdate.dll  (c7327f98c826a1d08456c14ec270251f)

1 / 68      (PUP)
laflurla.expext.dll  (e51a99feae9b9c118a5e0e93b5bbd62e)

1 / 68      (Adware)
laflurla.browseradapter.dll  (82ef774088ae427aee28ab7b755a2f9a)

1 / 68      (PUP)
laflurla.purbrowse64.exe  (aea2c477a8e2fc3b5eba85f65fa67103)

1 / 68      (Adware)
laflurla.expext.exe  (d326d4ebbf56589c5faeca4cd4ae2d82)

1 / 68      (Adware)
laflurla.browseradapter64.exe  (70f8abb9abb016cc76fa2fe6a0945b0b)

1 / 68      (PUP)
laflurla.browseradapter.exe  (00c2b2eea654116c3a947c970de7926e)

1 / 68      (PUP)
6bf5b0095b64.dll  (f1b3b795754de01be8bc432dba382e9c)

1 / 68      (PUP)
6bf5b0095b.dll  (1792f34b1dbf095af84a0bc2f82c4cd7)

1 / 68      (PUP)
6bf564.dll (by TODO: <Company name>)  (12329cee7b91a973c60cf10da65cb464)

1 / 68      (PUP)
6bf5.dll (by TODO: <Company name>)  (dfec1fe9314ab15599addecacba3636d)

1 / 68      (Adware)
laflurla.browseradapter64.exe  (53af030248dbfab005d9621f2bda12c5)

1 / 68      (PUP)
utillaflurla.exe  (de6617d35e479c582f1e91c3e80e68ef)

1 / 68      (Adware)
laflurla.browseradapter64.exe  (048d80dc3c722992a28e427ac945a520)

1 / 68      (PUP)
laflurla.purbrowse.dll  (47580f830c611d7de4e6bfbf2bb42055)

Latest 30 of 3,251 files

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Wire Icon by VeriSign, Inc. on March 03, 2016 with the serial number '4279f98cc819c82bf2cac87a41fff281'.