xingmi network co.,ltd

Publisher Information

xingmi network co.,ltd is a software publisher located in shanghai, China*.
Thawte, Inc.

Valid from:
12/17/2012 8:00:00 AM

Valid to:
12/18/2014 7:59:59 AM

CN="xingmi network co.,ltd", O="xingmi network co.,ltd", L=shanghai, S=shanghai, C=CN

CN=Thawte Code Signing CA - G2, O="Thawte, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

Scan engine

Trend Micro House Call

0 / 68
npXingMiCtl.dll (XingMiPlugin by XingMi Networks)  (8a98fbd19941c2fe8190853cb677e2b4)

0 / 68
npXingMiVer.dll (XingMiVersionPlugin by XingMi Networks)  (5aed644cd28c1a8279fb94f202cb2327)

0 / 68
npXingMiCtl.dll (XingMiPlugin by XingMi Networks)  (d2e97385b45868b6f7a7de4d3897cbda)

0 / 68
npXingMiVer.dll (XingMiVersionPlugin by XingMi Networks)  (feaa98ec2c48464fac9e25ac3de1ac51)

0 / 68
npXingMiCtl.dll (XingMiPlugin by XingMi Networks)  (1958d2d57096f0b05c5a2d5e5df05b6d)

0 / 68
TTWindows.exe  (cd017278361955540d2ae1a463322859)

1 / 68
xingmiupdate_1051.exe (XingMiCtl by XingMi)  (6dd5458b9bb6c0ac84dd9ecff8e1ee2c)

0 / 68
xingmisetup_1050.exe (XingMiCtl by XingMi)  (02c6248d260fc512f421261931561547)

0 / 68
npXingMiVer.dll (XingMiVersionPlugin by XingMi Networks)  (fb91e93fee03f228aaa69e96ed08eb26)

0 / 68
npXingMiCtl.dll (XingMiPlugin by XingMi Networks)  (83bb11c0795e3c54cd147a3fccdfb214)

0 / 68
xingmisetup_1051.exe (XingMiCtl by XingMi)  (c4856e7a15472fd753a9917dd8c19c85)

0 / 68
npXingMiVer.dll (XingMiVersionPlugin by XingMi Networks)  (2f31efb87d30fe49d27991b1486405fb)

0 / 68
npXingMiCtl.dll (XingMiPlugin by XingMi Networks)  (e468ff78517e1cc8bbe7e1a074685f66)

Downloads URLs for files signed by xingmi network co.,ltd.

The following websites host and distribute files published by xingmi network co.,ltd.

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to xingmi network co.,ltd by Thawte, Inc. on December 17, 2012 with the serial number '029f1f069114923d15653234dd96ff20'.