ZUXXEZ Entertainment AG

Publisher Information

ZUXXEZ Entertainment AG is a software developer located in Karlsruhe, Germany*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.

Valid from:
7/1/2008 2:00:00 AM

Valid to:
7/2/2011 1:59:59 AM

CN=ZUXXEZ Entertainment AG, O=ZUXXEZ Entertainment AG, STREET=Rittnertstr. 36, L=Karlsruhe, S=NA, PostalCode=76227, C=DE

CN=UTN-USERFirst-Object, OU=http://www.usertrust.com, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Salt Lake City, S=UT, C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
bvsc_setup.exe (Battle vs. Chess by Zuxxez Entertainment)  (e42dd90bc2188092e69e8ec9c16d2037)

0 / 68
setupgame.tmp  (60aac83b74d4b87782f0aa61dfa2de58)

0 / 68
setupgame.exe (Battle vs. Chess by Zuxxez Entertainment)  (f4148deb02aa20d55773c98cf039d8e7)

0 / 68
1f88ee.msi  (0f56addf859d5766175ce683046794d5)

0 / 68
game.exe (Battle vs. Chess)  (18295db5fb8cc41c7a970a001e778b5c)

0 / 68
ww3_fra_esd_setup.exe (by Reality Pump)  (b6a1cee4054686a473905b5878b10bfc)

0 / 68
xblades.exe (by Gaijin Entertainment)  (89b8337c977af4e6b55b369d7e1fefc9)

0 / 68
Topstart.exe (TopStart by TopWare)  (c9a2777ba14d91ce5a8317152d67fe97)

0 / 68
xblades.exe (by Gaijin Entertainment)  (a085080d47c8129bdc303dfd784b7696)

0 / 68
xblades_spanish.msi  (4220c1af6512d4ad5dd9d9484893eca4)

0 / 68
xblades_french.msi  (9c6082b0dd80afcb682cde14f425f0a4)

0 / 68
xblades.msi  (94e43a8206329ce72ae6aa3befd70dbb)

0 / 68
xblades.exe (by Gaijin Entertainment)  (289d734ec4ca5cbbf4c733fe60034299)

0 / 68
setup.exe  (e5abd99263f77f9f2ff78ad7b676ffe5)

0 / 68
setup.exe (Two Worlds II by Reality Pump)  (22d1d1b941ee5899e0c148bcc2b97579)

0 / 68
xblades_demo.exe (by Gaijin Entertainment)  (d0e71df23265178de92f2524e68ceb7e)

0 / 68
setup.exe  (8c26aca94c20849cfda3fea0bdfab059)

0 / 68
xblades.exe (X-Blades by Gaijin Entertainment)  (e2842d3072306196ce97ca419ff924bf)

0 / 68
bvsc_setup.exe (Battle vs. Chess by Zuxxez Entertainment)  (8abf1736884ad9acf37bf217d4a67c91)

0 / 68
bvsc_setup.exe (Battle vs. Chess by Zuxxez Entertainment)  (c07a53906c75339dae2c3e963b1897cf)

0 / 68
unins000.exe  (b1dc1d77fcb2a77b324f52a193e48a33)

0 / 68
setup.exe (Two Worlds II by Reality Pump)  (748e794fd7e37293973c39360f12584e)

0 / 68

0 / 68

0 / 68
setup.exe (Two Worlds II by Reality Pump)  (550cd4b4381ccdd1be9e7232b85f42ad)

0 / 68
xblades.exe (by Gaijin Entertainment)  (44aea63efedb97a2ee5520a4e59c0e07)

0 / 68
setup.exe (Two Worlds II by Reality Pump)  (b58fb2a02f091957e754ca53bc4ff9ad)

0 / 68
bvsc_setup.exe (Battle vs. Chess by Zuxxez Entertainment)  (fa45ee1c1a7af70b135cdf993be555e1)

0 / 68
bvsc_setup.exe (Battle vs. Chess by Zuxxez Entertainment)  (cc601168e7c8086d86dd98f9cac4df6f)

Latest 30 of 90 files

The following certificate is also signed by ZUXXEZ Entertainment AG.

0C310E94E69241E54BC3CE149278E122  (Jun 17, 2011 to Jun 17, 2014)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to ZUXXEZ Entertainment AG by The USERTRUST Network on July 01, 2008 with the serial number '009dd9c44b2b1193f99c07ca4692d50538'.