Apps Installer S.L.

Publisher Information

Apps Installer S.L. is a software developer located in Barcelona, Spain*. The company is a primary distributor of unwanted software. Apps Installer, also known as Solimba is an adware bundle company that takes legitimate and open source software and wraps and distributes it with adware bundles including toolbars and browser extensions. In fact, Solimba bundles without our permission herdProtect without our permission and has ignored our requests to stop. The company is located in at Edificio Granland, Avenida Maresme 44-46 2a 26, Badalona 08912, Barcelona, Spain and is run by Germán Castillo. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
Thawte, Inc.

Valid from:
2/18/2013 9:00:00 PM

Valid to:
2/20/2015 12:59:59 AM

CN=Apps Installer S.L., O=Apps Installer S.L., L=Barcelona, S=Barcelona, C=ES

CN=Thawte Code Signing CA - G2, O="Thawte, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

Scanner detections:
Detections  (100% detected)

Scan engine

Reason Heuristics
PUP.Solimba (M)

1 / 68      (Adware)
adobe photoshop cs2.exe (Adobe Photoshop CS2)  (4e169634ae8ca5bd316a7cdda8341512)

1 / 68      (Adware)
jackson dj.exe  (227283b22d1cbcc0f805d9426b34279c)

1 / 68      (Adware)
game chinese chess v10.exe (game chinese chess v10)  (babc4c5b3d7401c8133146a54be03fc6)

1 / 68      (Adware)
realtek hd audio drivers.exe (by Appinstall)  (222bfa0560fb67b948173134cb25a213)

1 / 68      (Adware)
photo_6.exe (Photo 6)  (0c5b8868c291d51553fe42eb11dbe09a)

1 / 68      (Adware)
winzip.exe (winzip)  (82db3f5f490ee9c60e15df271adf3a86)

1 / 68      (Adware)
easybcd 201.exe (easybcd 201)  (cb3b11431ddc008f7382c52f105e5ceb)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)
maxthon 3.exe (Maxthon 3)  (d09fd45ed04b95a102c9e866cada320e)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (Game Downloader)  (1c3c8a93b6cb3543ed0511354ce95e77)

1 / 68      (Adware)
3c texas holdem poker.exe  (98bfabeb1499fa9069aa52049a9fe33b)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (FLVMPlayer)  (18f87b2cac9bb06dd33771bf53ea611e)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (FLVMPlayer)  (ffeb1bfa90fd0b08b77cdcc4e628ca45)

1 / 68      (Adware)
dvd flick.exe (Dvd Flick)  (bd34cb52b45d63cc823a7662cb515217)

1 / 68      (Adware)
printkey-pro.exe (PrintKey-Pro)  (cea08335060795af48d6da8dd8b71251)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)
gimp.exe (Gimp)  (ba9db6a28c7928067cd4719f72d60602)

1 / 68      (Adware)
outlook express.exe (by App.install)  (0fe4e30bad5b9e860555d711226dec04)

1 / 68      (Adware)
outlook express.exe (by App.install)  (2ccb720eecb416fadfc3efec03621c60)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe  (596004af5bebbe45c300477c2c7204bb)

1 / 68      (Adware)
photofiltre.exe (by App.install)  (65efb393c88f763721ee3eccb7a08312)

1 / 68      (Adware)
skype_dsetup.exe (Skype)  (597909bd731f043ff1e83fe5e2e6927a)

1 / 68      (Adware)
pandora recovery.exe (by App_install)  (9fe0526dc62d0dec1f2e77821217d29a)

1 / 68      (Adware)
zombies.exe (Zombies)  (3a79bc5e7fc0ea918480ce947c5d5098)

1 / 68      (Adware)
avast.exe (Avast)  (bc493a5d9df88a64d5324029fa17aadc)

1 / 68      (Adware)
mok1uhyn.exe (by App.install)  (2f3b29ffbfb014ce99e3e3094d6b247e)

1 / 68      (Adware)
cutepdf writer.exe (CutePDF Writer)  (2d48a0538a8133d706dd84fbf0997e2b)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (by Appsinstalls)  (91aa41ef0adc68c05f37203ddff6f13e)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (FLVMPlayer)  (ce228cbb312cd079abeddea730843c46)

1 / 68      (Adware)
setup.exe (FLVMPlayer)  (0b77a0116abfb3cddfdc408b92dfda91)

Latest 30 of 16,782 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by Apps Installer S.L..

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)

1 / 68      (Adware)  (596004af5bebbe45c300477c2c7204bb)

1 / 68      (Adware)

Top-level domains owned by Apps Installer S.L..

The following certificate is also signed by Apps Installer S.L..

0F51D368012CA12391845223E21F245A  (May 26, 2014 to May 27, 2015)

The following publishers (by Authenticode signature organization name) are related.

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Apps Installer S.L. by Thawte, Inc. on February 18, 2013 with the serial number '323f44d66aef890f43c32cfd743a4ad0'.