I am running Windows Vista home premium and had SpyBot Search and Destroy and Innuit that did NOT detect this. However, it keeps opening itself then stops running looking for Windows solution,and gets scanned,and tries to do an update for Adobe Flash Player 15 Plug-in.... until memory is nearly full with quad core CPU operating at 100%. This keeps your program from getting any further than half-way. CAN ANYONE TELL ME HOW TO PROCEED. WHAT ABOUT USING PORTABLE ON A JUMP DRIVE - if s, how much space is needed. I'm at worst end and have exhausted all of my knowledge.
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Asked Oct 22 '14 at 14:26
First off, try to get into safe mode with networking. Then download Malwarebytes, install it and run a full scan. It can usually detect hard to remove viruses.
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Answered Nov 7 '14 at 8:45