My PC is "infected" by adware that creates pop-up ads on sites (not display ads) with "ADS BY BlockAndSurf" proudly displayed in the bottom corner. It also creates new browser tabs and sometimes new windows when the I click on, for example, the scroll bar area of the browser window, or in a data collection area of the screen (e.g. on this very herdProtect site when I clicked to add the title of this post I was taken to a newly generated browser tab containing an ad). My question is: How can I disable this behaviour? I have had 6 hours with Norton on-line technicians who tried to reset browsers etc. to absolutely no avail. Notes:
- No browsers show any trace of plug-ins, extensions etc. that would belie the hijack
- I do not see the behaviour on secure sites (https://)
- I can find no blockandsurf.exe file
- Adaware, Norton, Malwarebytes do not detect this
- IE, Chrome and FireFox are all affected
- I tried a brand new install of Opera, never before installed on this PC, installed it in a non-default directory, and it too had the same symptoms.
Any suggestions anyone?
Many thanks!