How do I get rid of "Browser Champion" adware ?

I've used herd Protect since I downloaded some Adware some months ago. At least 4 different times,4 different types of Ad-ware. Every time herdProtect has take'in  care of it.But this one, Op "Browser Champion" ad-ware,it could not find or just plain remove it ! What do I do? Do you have any suggestions?  I would appreciate ANY suggestions you may have. I have Norton,nothing.So I downloaded Spybot S&D,again,nothing. HELP please,if you can ?    Thanks,bitterman 
Share Edited on Dec 19 '14 at 19:20
Asked Dec 19 '14 at 19:20
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2 Answers

This may seem like an obvious answer, but have you looked at the installed programs list, as Optimizer Pro is normally installed as a program.
Answered Jan 2 '15 at 16:56
It was "Browser Champion,not the one that was mentioned. My problem was ,when I first got this ,some months ago.And yes it came from using a Torrent.I know,I know,STAY away from the Torrents.Anyway,some how herdProtect was recommended and it worked flawlessly. I got the same infection again.Than again,but herd cleaned it up wonderfully. Now don't forget this shit is a Chrome extension you cannot disable. And I have been using a piece of software that converts Youtube videos into MP3s.I like the old player Winamp. So i use to do the conversions. I think I got the infection this time from a Youtube video.BUT,this time herd didn't get rid of it.So I tried so different ADware/MALware/Anti-spyware software from C-net,nothing worked. So I posted a request somewhere,I don't even remember where now.I think I bookmarked it.Wher some people from Microsoft and Goggle told me where it's "HIDING" and what to do to clean it out.It was in Explorer, and Mediaplayer 1.1.But I couldn't get into Explorer because another infection had downloaded itself and made it inoperable.So like I said I tried JUST about every piece of software from C-net and even tried Windows Security Essentials.Still nothing.But I would E-mail the maker of every thing I tried and asked them WHY their software wouldn't do the job.So I got a reply to go and download something "Bleeping".I tried to download what they suggested.But it wouldn't download ,Avast,which I was using now.And I still am. Anyway,I notice on this site a piece of software named"AdwCleaner".I figured what the hell. I installed it,ran it.And in lest than 10 minutes it had PICKED off ALL of the infections,of which their was a least 7 or 8 of this SHIT.Most in Chrome but running out of MANY locations. So ,I guess "Browser Champion" has really made some advances in this crap they produce.But,for now AdwCleaner is on top of their game. So it's a happy ending ! For now. Until these PIGS who make this SHIT make a few minor - bitterman 122 months ago
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Was a double post due to uunsales malware.  so far herdProtect is the only thing to spot it, just waiting for the cleanup.
Share Edited on Jan 2 '15 at 16:58
Answered Jan 2 '15 at 16:58
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