C. Ghisler & Co.

Publisher Information

C. Ghisler & Co. is a software publisher located in Bolligen, Bern in Switzerland*. Thre are 2 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd.

Valid from:
4/7/2006 2:00:00 AM

Valid to:
4/8/2007 1:59:59 AM

CN=C. Ghisler & Co., OU=Development, O=C. Ghisler & Co., L=Bolligen, S=Bern, C=CH

CN=Thawte Code Signing CA, O=Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd., C=ZA

Serial number:

Inconclusive detections from multiple engines

Scan engine

Trend Micro
PAK_Generic.005, PAK_Generic.001

Trend Micro House Call

C. Ghisler & Co., Suspicion: unknown virus

VIPRE Antivirus
Threat.4657539, Trojan.Win32.Generic.pak!cobra

Bkav FE


Vba32 AntiVirus
suspected of Win32.BrokenEmbeddedSignature

0 / 68

0 / 68

0 / 68
a0129055.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (cae34b8ebe0de96975351d6752601d78)

1 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (536dcfe68ef851a5f227a88d04e52f51)

0 / 68
tcmd7pb1.exe  (8a0db26568acb66048d4e2ab7cd4fa92)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (39ea98599b4b604bfc0772d603d28d80)

0 / 68
tcmd7pb1.exe  (d01b06716937fab4275a6a4fa293afb7)

0 / 68
thor_tcmdr600.exe  (fe857b84a82fdbc536a421a942e9318b)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (b64d674779ab9b3c18c30b1a0da327f7)

2 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (4583a6fe850dda9e617e2b96b8c09d27)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (29c7f14f449b4028549d6041554b104d)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (c5e64e977c30e736d598e0f60023aee8)

0 / 68
tcmdr656.exe  (6e99abbc77cacc15f42ab24035119f5b)

1 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (05b2303b40cdd1f0c0472fc9f4408395)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (846ffd8d407affed6e3b90c2733ae4c8)

0 / 68

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (372732b4ee0010b315d1de38b89428c2)

0 / 68

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (183ce039facb574aa895b18bcd125a9d)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (1202c7f575bf6a2a90db781556f9ef6b)

0 / 68
tcmd7pb4.exe  (219094e55e3dd336cf3ef3a90c8559ab)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (700d8be9a5d1ca17271f67649edc2bac)

1 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (340643ef40602d36d61caf269fb7f8b3)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (1b3633a2ac624b354dcb506070c50b1c)

0 / 68

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (091f227b5697eef68caefcaefe6e5b9d)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (4c8d591ca0d43b2ba9672e42ccdabe0e)

1 / 68
total.commander.v6.55.pb2.multilingual.exe  (4cde70d494c2b92b97535bf25c134694)

2 / 68
tcmd7pb2.exe  (cb1263dad731ca0510cff24f1919a60b)

2 / 68
tcmd7pb1.exe  (4cd08fb5836468ede22f77ba1e048bf5)

Latest 30 of 51 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by C. Ghisler & Co..

2 / 68
http://vciga.dyndns.org/.../Total_Commander.exe  (cb1263dad731ca0510cff24f1919a60b)

The following websites host and distribute files published by C. Ghisler & Co..

The certificates below are also signed by C. Ghisler & Co..

4FC5D92DFEA361327BE233104AD36851  (Mar 18, 2009 to Mar 19, 2010)

7D6D8A1EE5D08C18F072F8633139FB7A  (Mar 09, 2007 to Apr 08, 2009)

The following publishers (by Authenticode signature organization name) are related.

30 of 157 publishers

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to C. Ghisler & Co. by Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on April 07, 2006 with the serial number '49c5c52f41c43ff162e1baa8c0dac2b3'.