C. Ghisler & Co.

Publisher Information

C. Ghisler & Co. is a software publisher located in Bolligen, Be in Switzerland*. Thre are 2 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.

Valid from:
3/18/2009 1:00:00 AM

Valid to:
3/19/2010 12:59:59 AM

CN=C. Ghisler & Co., O=C. Ghisler & Co., STREET=Huehnerbuehlstr. 45, L=Bolligen, S=BE, PostalCode=3065, C=CH

CN=UTN-USERFirst-Object, OU=http://www.usertrust.com, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Salt Lake City, S=UT, C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

Scan engine

Medium Risk Malware

0 / 68
powertc.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (002dd2b69df50c60e0429f2246f77e29)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (682614fa4efc6d1fd080b6cd986a1aea)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (8d3de73fd92a01d5badc257c190ab5fb)

0 / 68
tcuninst.exe  (e2e8ddcacfe8c5dbbadfdd8f494416a0)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (1ce03982ac8ced2168232828e3d65fd0)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (9510392f6ce10e1d2d1497a0f82652ca)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (c6fc5d292e72b4506ed7424d7d13fdaf)

0 / 68

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (01f46ebbbffbcdaf70f010283dd6aac8)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (520a5678cacdf035b696b5c6245c5f7a)

0 / 68
tcuninst.exe  (b9a8132fe7724f649c0770679a707434)

0 / 68

0 / 68
total commander 7.50.exe (by C. Ghisler & Co)  (2b63cc6de66014ce3379b0683f35fe9d)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (6823ec59c02bdf2e6bc8efa3565fb7bf)

0 / 68
install.exe (by C. Ghisler & Co)  (68a514f9cbce37414b8eef5a91edd2ec)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (838377911f2d646d349fdfed6614eade)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (f4e6809bf1502d96104f76dd2049d213)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (d48d587c15153726031eb1109bfd28f8)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (8897127f35e87e3aa2607d0cbf4dde4c)

0 / 68
tcmd750pb6.exe (by C. Ghisler & Co)  (652ba7b5faaa3fb7d2325029eaa61e78)

0 / 68
tcmd75b8.exe (by C. Ghisler & Co)  (06a0ccad642d94b91853af1cf2715d8d)

0 / 68
tcmd750pb7.exe (by C. Ghisler & Co)  (42a44036e79790c1a4363a621fdb7455)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (b7ad49fe462d96497bac161977700a65)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (dec52540eb773a0518e5695e1b73defb)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (47241b83fb190c8cc79b4c988203c870)

0 / 68
install.exe (by C. Ghisler & Co)  (2df3bd43718bc08fc9e63d51504548eb)

0 / 68
install.exe (by C. Ghisler & Co)  (e2d575f5f55d001be649e7e5391ae57e)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (9aa2debadaaa0082ab3c6c3091322053)

0 / 68
tcmd75b3.exe (by C. Ghisler & Co)  (f7e91b9aab04ddf155b7bec826ed29fa)

0 / 68
totalcmd.exe (Total Commander by C. Ghisler & Co)  (b90a36106c8bbfecae0307647ce90cf9)

Latest 30 of 65 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by C. Ghisler & Co..

0 / 68
http://wydawnictwoplatan.home.pl/.../tcmdr701.exe  (4c42a80f703d2540894e8b91ff07aee8)

0 / 68

The certificates below are also signed by C. Ghisler & Co..

7D6D8A1EE5D08C18F072F8633139FB7A  (Mar 09, 2007 to Apr 08, 2009)

49C5C52F41C43FF162E1BAA8C0DAC2B3  (Apr 07, 2006 to Apr 08, 2007)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to C. Ghisler & Co. by The USERTRUST Network on March 18, 2009 with the serial number '4fc5d92dfea361327be233104ad36851'.