Projekt 206

Publisher Information

Projekt 206 is a software developer located in Poland*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
Unizeto Technologies S.A.

Valid from:
2/8/2013 12:50:48 PM

Valid to:
2/8/2014 12:50:48 PM

Subject:, CN=Projekt 206, O=Projekt 206, C=PL

CN=Certum Code Signing CA, OU=Certum Certification Authority, O=Unizeto Technologies S.A., C=PL

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
sekwanaonlinesetup.exe (SekwanaOnline by Projekt 206)  (44aff68d4a3950b7dac4ba3cc793ae80)

0 / 68
Dialog.exe (System Dialog by Projekt 206)  (8ad768114cd6886ecf19fd0850b42d76)

0 / 68
dialogclientsetup.exe (Dialog Client by Projekt 206)  (b3e4a12c1eb460453a584a42759c6e33)

0 / 68
Dialog.exe (System Dialog by Projekt 206)  (d63ef7e17b30a67416126a81abb37d9e)

0 / 68
Dialog.exe (System Dialog by Projekt 206)  (ed60c920d6d47bcfa569d4afc9551063)

0 / 68
sekwanaonlinesetup.exe (SekwanaOnline by Projekt 206)  (5ea5ebc003ce90998d61190b2c4441fd)

Downloads URLs for files signed by Projekt 206.

0 / 68  (5ea5ebc003ce90998d61190b2c4441fd)

0 / 68  (5ea5ebc003ce90998d61190b2c4441fd)

The following websites host and distribute files published by Projekt 206.

The following certificate is also signed by Projekt 206.

34DFFDAF7BB4C5FCE3870ED983A23D37  (Feb 10, 2014 to Feb 10, 2016)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Projekt 206 by Unizeto Technologies S.A. on February 08, 2013 with the serial number '0d8dfecbfcbde06d6f936362bb7d98a0'.