Projekt 206
Publisher Information
Projekt 206 is a software developer located in Poland*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
Unizeto Technologies S.A.
Valid from:
2/10/2014 11:01:56 AM
Valid to:
2/10/2016 11:01:56 AM
Subject:, CN=Projekt 206, O=Projekt 206, C=PL
CN=Certum Code Signing CA, OU=Certum Certification Authority, O=Unizeto Technologies S.A., C=PL
Serial number:
No known positive detections
0 / 68
zlib.dll (0bc8b8ad1bd0b6ec38f518c52f834291)
0 / 68
lua.dll (3a057ab267866f1e62abbe766bd4f623)
0 / 68
lua.dll (9e533d06747cfa3cb3ef2b639ea97d3e)
0 / 68
zlib.dll (0b2c7dc8172ee7ac734d073486cb64f1)
0 / 68
lua.dll (729c5785f427e186e4da3eb0c6107367)
0 / 68
zlib.dll (96a13a18fcb56f4755cdef3bd4777a0d)
0 / 68
lua.dll (0750b5b75b2622a1617ed1f2ef95a6c2)
0 / 68
zlib.dll (7cddcfe54aa161fca8a2ed6c094c4a88)
Downloads URLs for files signed by Projekt 206.
The following certificate is also signed by Projekt 206.
* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Projekt 206 by Unizeto Technologies S.A. on February 10, 2014 with the serial number '34dffdaf7bb4c5fce3870ed983a23d37'.